Are you ready to step up your game as an athlete? No matter your sport, your age, and your past training, Fenix Strength and Conditioning provides athletic training designed to take your game to the next level.
We want to make sure that you are prepared to step out on the field or the court.
What You Give Is What You Get
First and foremost, you’ve got to be ready to work. If you aren’t serious about getting better, improve your skills, and giving all you got, don’t bother showing up. What you put into something is what you are going to get out of something. It’s the age old concept of reaping and sowing. If you sow 50%, you’re only going to get 50% of what you want. We are here to train you, but you’ve got to serious and ready when you step through these doors.
Focusing On Strengths AND Weakness
Every athlete has strengths, natural talents that have helped them get to where they are now. But, the truly great players are the ones who not only improve upon their strengths, but focus on their weaknesses. Our goal is to create WELL ROUNDEd players. Athletes who don’t just rely on talent alone, but are focused on utilizing and improving everything in their arsenal.
In Season and Out of Season
Ask any pro athlete what one of the key components is to performing well and they will say training in the off season. How you perform in the off season is going to have huge impact on how you play when it’s game time. Consisting and constant training is going to be one of the main factors in making sure you that you stay game ready, strong, and focused.