Are ready to start training?

Here are five questions you’ll be asked when you walk through the doors, so be prepared!

1. Do You Have Any Medical Conditions?

Why are coaches asking this? Because they nee dot know how to train you. It’s vital for coaches to be aware of your medical conditions before you hit the bench, rack, or mat. The goal is to help you achieve your fitness goals, but to also keep you safe throughout the process. Be sure to speak with your coach of any and all pre-existing conditions you have.

2. What Are Your Goals?

This one is normal for most people. A coach needs to know your goals for the same reason he needs to know the answer to the first question: he needs to know how to train you. Knowing your goals, whether its fat loss, lifting weights or something else, can help determine the right program for you.

When your coach knows your goal, he can do his job of helping you get to them.

3. How Much Sleep Do You Get?

This is important as there may need to be adjustments to current habits in your life. The coach isn’t asking to be rude or nosey but simply making sure that you are getting the proper amount of rest for recovery. It’s possible that you are getting enough sleep already or that you need to get more. This is vital for the coach to determine if you are recovering the way you need to be after training sessions.

4. What’s Your Nutrition?

Nutrition, like sleep, is vital to recovery, building muscle, and burning fat. The coach needs to know what you are eating in order to recommend a meal plan for you. Food plays a huge role in how fast you reach your fitness goals. The coach can set you up and let you know what you need to be eating before workout, after workout, and all the days in between.

5. What’s Your Job?

Why does this matter? Because what you do for a living can determine your stress levels and the amount of activity you get daily. Most people have a desk job, which means that they aren’t moving as much as they should throughout the day. Our coaches can give you recommendations on how to stay active during your workday.

These are just a few of the questions you’ll be asked when you come to train. But don’t worry, it’s all to help you reach your goals.