Lydia & Bobby Thomas are remarkable people and have been foundational to the vision and opening of Fenix, here is their story:
My Husband & I joined Fenix before the doors were even open! We believed in who Jaime and Maria are as a married couple, and could see the integrity of their passion in the Lord, Family and relationships, not to mention the incredible drive for taking life and transforming mindsets through coaching. That’s what spoke to us!
If I could list areas of change in our lives being part of such an incredible Gym Family it would be RELATIONSHIPS! I have found people in the gym that truly fuel my fire to do more then what I believe my body can do! It’s such a great feeling to drive away and think… Wow I went in feeling pretty ordinary and leave feeling like I could take on the day easy after that training sesh! As a woman and a caretaker it’s pretty awesome to know I can hit 250 on a back squat and bench over 130lbs. I started this journey only being able to do the barbell! Those numbers came by having a coach both believe in me and push me to greatness. At 38 years old I have some great quads and a booty to be proud of lol! I’m so thankful for lifting and my strong body!
Relationships Matter!
I have to tell ya, those relationships outside the gym matter too! 2017 was a year that rocked my families world.
My son was at risk of dying if he didn’t receive emergency surgery to correct a phemothorax, his lung was collapsing as we rushed him to the hospital, 19 of those pocket holes cover the top of his lung. So removal of the top part of his lung, removal of the lining of his rib, with fusion to bond his lung to his ribs and 2 chest tubes we were out of the woods. During that time Fenix family stepped in and made sure we had support. Even Coach being busy as ever came up, talked with us, and encouraged us that we are strong and can make it through this.
16 weeks later we’re back in the gym like we didn’t miss a beat! Coach was there to get us back in the groove, and our supportive friends made sure we stayed consistent!
Then hit Oct of 2017 my daughter needed major back surgery, 9 hours of surgery to create a spine. She’s our little miracle but this surgery was so involved I couldn’t wear all the hats a mother usually wears. I was exhausted and was having a hard time caring for my family with dinners. Guess what?! Fenix family stepped in and provided dinners literally for 2 MONTHS! We were beyond blessed, you usually see this from church families not gyms! We were able to chat with those who dropped by, and had wonderful meals and care for my family in a much needed time. Spiritual strength means so much in seasons you have to hunt for the Silver Linings of life!
After almost 3 months, back to the gym we returned!
2018 has been the kickoff the dust year and take on our health not just physically, but with nutrition. 2017 was pretty much spent in hospitals and doctors offices, so 27lbs later I had some work to put in. I talked with Coach and decided Macros would be a good fit for my lifestyle. Slow and Steady was my goal for getting back to the place I left off before all the hospitalizations. I’m now down 16lbs over the last 5 months and many inches. I feel good and I’m loving the programming Coach Jaime has put together for us! I’m very excited to see what 2018 has to bring. This has been a wonderful year and it seems our season has finally shifted.
Highlights that come from Fenix Strength & Conditioning…
Communication is life changing, letting those who train beside you in the gym know the life outside the gym can be one of your greatest blessings. HAVING A COACH DREAM BIG WILL INSPIRE YOUR LIFE TO GO BIG TOO! Surrounding yourself with people who take on life and not whine about the season their in makes you realize you have more to give!
What keeps my family coming back…Fenix is US! We don’t do this as a hobby, it’s our way of life. We train, talk about it around the dinner table, encourage each other with the strength of the physical, but also the spiritual aspect that you can bring into everything! God Bless I hope to see you there! Be open, let people get to know you, and Watch what the Lord does with Fenix in your life!
Come join amazing people like the Thomas family, go to for your free trial!