Are you ready to build muscle? It’s more than just lifting that builds muscle, it’s what you eat that builds it too.

Make sure that you are consuming muscle building foods, which means lean, rich, and complete protein. What are they? We are going to give you some of the top ones that should be in your diet.


Eggs are one of the key foods for building muscle. Eggs are high in protein, boost testosterone, and are ideal for your muscle building diet.


Nuts provide quality calories and have the perfect blend of protein, fats, and fiber. They are easy to eat, easy to store, and great for increasing your calorie intake during the day.

Protein Shake

Protein shakes are great for a snack, post-workout meal, or recovery meal. Consuming a shake before your workout is going to set you up for success, giving you nutrients and optimal muscle growth. This is going to improve your body’s performance.

Lean Beef

Who doesn’t love a good piece of beef? Beef has been and still is one of the top muscle building foods out there. It contains amino acids, B-vitamins, and creatine. It’s healthy fat levels also help to support testosterone levels and heart health. Get a hold of that red meat!


We love us some salmon! Salmon is a great protein food with omega-3 fats like EPA and DHA. These fatty acids are going to improve heart health, inhibit muscle breakdown, and increase the anabolic capacity of amino acids.

Brown Rice

Cooked brown rice provides five grams of protein per cup and has a high amount of branched-chain amino acids. This a good muscle building food!


Not just for Thanksgiving, turkey is one of the leanest animal meats and is a great replacement for more fattier beef dishes.

These are just a few of the top muscle building foods. Hungry yet?

If not, come join us at Fenix and we promise you will be after your first day!