It’s no secret that exercising regularly and eating properly can lead to long-term health benefits. For those trying to get stronger, take control of their weight, or improve their health, nothing will get you there faster than proper training and a good grasp on your nutrition.

However, just because this known by almost everyone, doesn’t mean it’s followed by everyone. Each person has different reasons why they aren’t working out, whether it be time, ability, or something else. But, training for just three days a week can make a HUGE difference in your life.

Health Benefits

According to studies, the US Department of Health and Human services recommend adults to engage in physical ability NO LESS than three days a week. This recommendation is pulled from different health studies conducted. These studies show that, regardless of age, physical ability can help lower health problems. Regular physical activity can lower the risk of heart disease, weight gain, depression, and even some types of cancer.

These health benefits increase when adults choose to exercise three days a week or more. Studies also show that more vigorous excises (running instead of walking) provides health benefits comparable to moderate exercise in half the amount of time.

The biggest reason we hear people say they can’t train is that they simply don’t have the time. But we aren’t asking you to train every day of the week (at least not yet). It’s true that Fenix is 5-day a week program, but starting out, focus on trying to get to at least three of the sessions. This can improve your health tremendously and you’ll start reaping the benefits of consistently training and exercising.

Start with 3 times a week and watch the subtle changes start to happen in your life.